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7,30 €

Only available from our points of sale.

This is our own version of mortadella. For this, we use almost all shoulder meat from the pig with added fat. All of it is minced and seasoned with salt, pepper, pistachio nuts and natural aromas. The most important key component is the addition of little white cubes of lard which can be seen on the cut of the product.  The mixture is stuffed into pig bladder or into synthetic casings. All of it is steam cooked and then cooled in a special cold store. Once it is cut, the surface is grainy and bright pink. This meat gives off a particularly aromatic smell and its flavour is very characteristic and delicate.


Shape: cylinder shaped

Weight: approx. 3kg

Appearance of cut: grainy and bright pink in colour

Aroma: aromatic

Maturation: 1 day of cooling

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