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Since1957, the Vitali family has been passionately carrying out this ancient nursinian art, caring for customer demands with particular attention to quality.

Modern production techniques have permitted us to develop certain characteristics further, distinguishing our business now more than ever.

In order to be certain we guarantee our customers with the highest quality, we have chosen to directly take care of every phase throughout the production process.

We cultivate cereals on our own land, which then becomes feed for our pigs.

We breed pedigree pigs born within the Fermo province at our BAT(Best Aviable Technique) certified pig farm in Petritoli. It is also autonomous from an energetic point of view, thanks to renewable sources of energy production (photovoltaic).  

In the most modern laboratory in San Ginesio, inside the National Park of Monti Sibillini, we carry out traditional processing and natural curing of our meats.

It is this productive choice that allows us to manufacture typical cured meats in a traditional Marche region method, without the use of conservatives and food colouring. We create the perfect fusion of authenticity and taste.

Amongst our hand-selected products, we have Ciauscolo, which has carried the official IGP mark from the European Union since 2009. A typical product from our region, Ciauscolo is a cured meat with a particularly soft texture, ideal for spreading over a slice of bread or on a focccia as well as being the perfect match to the excellent red wines produced in the Marches.

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